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People, Context & Needs

Updated: Sep 23, 2018

September 17, 2018 was our second class of the foundations course. Like its name, we were starting from basics of interaction design, the ability to sketch fast, take notes, and problem solving while playing with our sticky notes. For example we were learning to sketch fast and communicated more information with less effort. We learned how to draw block and star people. It was really interesting to learn because I was always able to draw, but my drawing was mostly slow and more detail oriented.

We started by doing a Molecule, which is a triangle that contains information such as People, Problem, and Solution. In my opinion this was a very useful task. With Molecule we were able to narrow our search and know exactly who we are designing for, and what the solution to their problem is going to be.

I think the Customer profile was very interesting. The process of realizing what the behaviors are, and then based on the behaviors finding out the needs and goals was very informative. Although is was really interesting to go through this process, It was really hard for me to come up with the right sets of behaviors. At the end of the project I found out there were many more needs and goals that I could have come up with.

For the next few weeks I will be working on redesigning the BART’s interface. I went to the Bart and interviewed people about how they use the kiosks to buy their tickets or add value to the clipper cards. By using the customer profile I can narrow down my search and find the needs and goals of these people in order to designed a better interface for them.

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